Skin changes come with a life well-lived, but fortunately, there are treatments available that can help us to continue to look and feel healthy and youthful. Spider veins, or telangiectasia, are dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin that takes on the appearance of a spider’s web, hence the name. Laser spider vein treatment is a safe, time-proven treatment for telangiectasia. At The Cosmetic Vein & Laser Center in Buffalo, this treatment can be used to erase spider veins from the skin.
Spider veins are distinct from varicose veins. Spider veins can occur on any part of the body, but most commonly, they appear on the legs, thighs, buttocks, and ankles. They may also occasionally appear on the face. Spider veins tend to worsen with age, and older individuals often resort to laser therapy for treatment.
How Does Laser Spider Vein Treatment Work?
As the name suggests, laser spider vein treatment uses a laser to heat the skin, penetrating down to the dilated blood vessel. The heat causes the blood inside the vessel to coagulate, and the vessel itself collapses. The body will remove the blood from the treated vessels over a period of time, and eventually, the vessels will disappear. Typically, multiple treatments are needed to remove spider veins. However, it all depends on the case.
Although there is no cure for telangiectasia, laser therapy can remove spider veins that are currently present, giving clients skin with a younger, rejuvenated appearance. During the laser spider vein treatment, your eyes will be covered to block the light from the laser, and you’ll experience little to no discomfort.
What are the Benefits of Laser Therapy?
Laser therapy for telangiectasia is a popular treatment because it is safe and effective. Some associate spider veins with getting older, so they are happy to have a treatment option that can remove them over a relatively short span of time.
Whatever your age, your skin should not hold you back from having the time of your life. At The Cosmetic Vein & Laser Center in Williamsville, we want to help you approach each day joyfully without spider veins. Contact us today to book a consultation and learn more.